Dermatology and allergies

Chinese medicine for dermatology

Some skin problems and allergies can ruin your life and keep you from living fully.

A personalized treatment

Chinese medicine is effective in treating skin conditions such as:

• eczema
• acne
• shingles
• hives
• psoriasis

• fungal infections
• dermatitis
• allergy
• asthma

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine for dermatology are particularly efficient because we propose a personalized treatment based on a diagnosis adapted to your problem and profile, which is not the case of regular pharmaceutical drugs and treatments.

Serenity offers treatments combining acupuncture and Chinese herbology (en décoction ou en crème) pour vous débarrasser durablement de ces problèmes.

(decoction or cream) to permanently get rid of these problems. Contact us to arrange an appointment at our clinic in Israel.

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